Raymond's Blog
by Raymond Warren Bennett on 08/07/13Please Note: If you are new to my Blog or new to this Four Part Blog Series, I recommend that you scroll down to "Divine Revelations - Part One of Four", to begin reading this manuscript from the beginning, since each part flows into the other, providing the reader with clarity.
by Raymond Warren Bennett on 07/24/13Since the Roman Catholic Church is the largest Christian Church with at least 1.2 billion worldwide members, with my religious status accounting for one of the populous, I thought this would be the perfect place to begin seeking theological support and guidance. Several weeks later, with the self appointed aid of my dear friend, Ed, I was introduced to a Catholic priest, who in turn, graciously agreed to privately speak with me and listen to my incredible story. My first meeting with Father Gregory Hamill, the Paster of The Church of the Sacred Heart, in Oxford, Pennsylvania, took place at the church rectory on September 17, 2011, at three in the afternoon and ended close to an hour and a half later. More meetings were scheduled after that, each one lasting anywhere from forty five minutes to a little over two hours long. A total of seven meetings between Father Hamill and I took place that season, seven highly productive sessions, where over time, I had the opportunity to share in depth, all my earlier divine experiences with this genuinely interested and open minded man.
by Raymond Warren Bennett on 07/17/13In my research, I found it written: God has often revealed Himself to men through means beyond the ordinary course of nature. This is supernatural, or Divine Revelation, as opposed to the natural revelation of Himself, that God makes in the external world. Some revealed truths are beyond the power of human understanding; we could never, by our own abilities, have known such truths if God had not revealed them to us. For instance, could we by ourselves have known about the Blessed Holy Trinity, had God not revealed it? In Catholicism, Divine Revelation is emphasized as the primary means by which the faithful come to know God's word. According to Catholicism, Divine Revelation is the original source of Catholic Doctrine - - it is the disclosure, unveiling, and a making known of God by God Himself. God may see fit to employ supernatural means to affirm His truths, the discovery of which is not per se beyond the powers of reason. The essence of Divine Revelation lies in the fact that it is the direct speech of God to man. The mode of communication, however, may be mediate. Divine Revelation does not cease to be such if God's message is delivered to us by a prophet, who alone is the recipient of immediate communication . . . divine communication that he or she is destine to share with the world.
by Raymond Warren Bennett on 07/10/13To those of you who had been following my Blog, I apologize for the six month gap between my previous writing and this present submission. From the beginning, I was hoping to submit my pertinent thoughts and ideas every week, but after a while, it became difficult for me. So to compromise, I then decided to submit an entry every two weeks. Before long, my plan changed to once a month, until I hit a wall, at which point I just submitted something whenever I could. So many variables have affected my Blog writing efforts, such as the lack of proper time to sit and pen an insightful and informative story on a planned schedule, writings that I would feel contented to publish. Often my weeks are filled with meetings, letter writing, phone calls, helping the sick through intercessory healing, and guest speaking on Christian Radio when invited, all in the effort to promote my God given mission. When I'm not doing that - I am trying to maintain a house and a personal life . . . and then there have been my incredible involvements with Divine Revelations . . . many revelations of biblical proportions.
In The Light Of Darkness
by Raymond Warren Bennett on 01/22/13I recently had the privilege to be invited to speak on the radio again. December the 18th would mark my 4th opportunity in 2012 to share my divine experience with the listener's of station WTMR's "As The Spirit Leads". Since going public with my story on August 1, 2012, talk show host, Barbaranne Marion, whom I first met on June the16th of the same year, has been very gracious in helping me further my ardent efforts. Barbaranne is a kind soul, who for the past 38 years has been truly dedicated in serving the Lord and the Blessed Mother by providing an on-air Christian forum for invited guests to nationally share their religious beliefs and/or heavenly experiences with her devoted listeners.
The First Miracle
by Raymond Warren Bennett on 09/18/12A miracle is a phenomenon not fully explained by known laws of nature, or an act by some supernatural entity or unknown outside force. Some scientists and theologians suggest that miracles are not violations of the laws of nature but explorations of a new realm of physical experience. With divine providence, God regularly works through created nature, yet is free to work without it, above or against it as well. Miracles happen everyday, and to most, are never fully realized. A birth of a child is often considered commonplace, but in reality, the momentous occasion could be argued to be a true miracle. A driver who's car is mangled in a multi-car pileup, yet walks away unscathed, has been truly blest with a miracle, but many would brush the incident off to be nothing more than just pure luck. A person lying in a hospital bed on the brink of death, who suddenly makes an unbelievable recovery, has more than likely been blest with a miracle, though the medical industry would claim it was all due to medicine. The watchful eye and presence of God is everywhere and His gifts are abundant including the gifts of His many miracles given to us each day, both small and significant in size.
The Importance of Prayer
by Raymond Warren Bennett on 08/29/12For the devout, there has never been any question that prayer has the power to heal. Research and medical studies have shown that prayer has prevented some people from ever getting sick, while others, who had become ill, recuperated faster because of their faith and belief in prayer. Dr. Koening, director of Duke's Center for Spirituality, Theology and Health, says a striking study published in the Southern Medical Journal last year demonstrated that prayer has a remarkable effect on patients with hearing and visual deficiencies. After prayer sessions, "They showed significant improvements based on audio and visual test", Koening states.
Having Faith
by Raymond Warren Bennett on 08/14/12If someone were to ask me for my definition of the word faith, I would reply, "Faith is believing in something you can not see, but you know in your heart to be true". We exercise our faith on so many levels throughout each day, often without consciously realizing it. We have faith as we venture out into traffic, seldom giving thought that we could be involved in an accident. We have faith that we will avoid getting sick even when a person openly sneezes or coughs in our face. We have faith that our homes will not suffer serious damage during the worst of storms. And we have faith that our loved ones, or ourselves for that matter, will never experience financial misfortune.
Why Me?
by Raymond Warren Bennett on 08/08/12From the very beginning of my divine experience, I would often stop and ponder the question "Why me?' What makes me so special that the dear Lord would select me above all others to one day carry out such a significantly important task. Imagine being informed by the Blessed Mother that you would one day be responsible to reach out to the world and start the momentum towards world peace, and yet, at the time, you would be lucky to be even considered for next-to-last player choice in schoolyard games. Imagine often being insulted to keep quiet cause your opinions did not matter, or being told you would more than likely never amount to anything. How could that very same degraded child ever conceive that he would one day have the strength, courage and spiritual equipment to embark on such an unbelievable journey, not to mention be truly worthy of its honor.
"Heavenly Comfort" Official Launch
by Raymond Warren Bennett on 07/31/12This coming Fall will mark the 50 year anniversary of my divine experience, the experience that would change my life forever, eventually putting me on a course that many would say is utterly absurd and nearly impossible to accomplish. I can fully understand why one would think that when hearing of my story for the first time. Imagine how I felt when the Blessed Mother appeared and informed me that I had been chosen to assist the Lord with His plan for world peace.