Raymond's Blog

Raymond's Blog


by Raymond Warren Bennett on 08/07/13

Please Note: If you are new to my Blog or new to this Four Part Blog Series, I recommend that you scroll down to "Divine Revelations - Part One of Four", to begin reading this manuscript from the beginning, since each part flows into the other, providing the reader with clarity.

I have experienced angel visitations for many years now, and with these experiences, I have observed that angels can appear in many different forms. In brief, the best way I can describe these various embodiments would be: 1) Full human form. 2) Partial human form, where the angel appears as a semi-transparent image. 3) They can also appear life-like from the head and shoulders, with their image gradually fading into nothingness from that body location on downward. 4) And last, to my witness, angels can also appear in their natural form - a pure energy formation. Some may call this an orb, but from my research of what an orb is, I would have to say that an angel's energy force is different from that of the energy force of a non-angel spirit, or orb. 

On the evening of January 18, 2012, while sitting quietly in my great room, with lights turned off, I leaned back and burrowed my head into the soft pillow top of my favorite chair, closed my eyes and began to talk with God. Just minutes after completing my prayerful conversation, I opened my eyes, and while adjusting my vision to the dimly lit room, I began to focus my sights upward towards my high vaulted ceiling with its detailed architectural features. Within seconds, I begun to see something so unbelievable, so beautiful and heavenly surreal . . . I began to see what I believed to of been a "band of angels." 

My great room measures 18' X 20', and filling its upward airspace from wall to wall on all four sides was a vision of a celestial legion. Appearing before my eyes was an excessive number of softly glowing, whitish colored, energy shapes, hovering close together as to insinuate they were forming a protection barrier. With a closer examination it was noticeable that these heavenly energy formations varied somewhat in size from one another, slightly undulating in their shape, and gently bobbing in an up and down motion. Perhaps their size indicated their level of importance, or years of service to God. Each of these forces displayed an activity of diminutive, low intensity sparks coming from their core. All the time I was witnessing this glorious reveal, I felt totally at peace and overwhelmingly grateful for the opportunity to be having this experience, and to be receiving God's loving message of comfort and safety assurance.

On January 21, 2012 - I received a small cut tulip arrangement from my niece, Erin and her, then fiance, Fran. At the time of receipt, each flower was approximately 10 inches high from the bottom of their cut stem to the tip of their flower petals. In deep appreciation of the receipt of my thoughtful gift, I found myself continually drawn to the simplistic beauty of the 20 count, yellow and red flowers - often gently touching their petals and leaves. On January 23rd, the flowers began to grow. Not only did the stems lengthen, but the flower heads enlarged also. By January 25th, the flowers had collectively elongated, each one reaching between 20 and 22 inches in height with their flower heads enlarging to three times their original size. I knew without a doubt, this occurrence was a Divine Revelation, for it was obvious to me it was directly from God. As to what He was trying to tell me . . . well that became clear to me later on. 

On the evening of February 20, 2012, approximately around 10:30, I walked into my great room to sit down and rest for a while before going back to my daunting project of painting my three level dinning room ceiling, a project I had devoted several days to. Like many times before, after sitting down, I soon found myself looking up at my great room's high volumed ceiling. Upon casting my eyes upward, I caught the sight of a deep toned light in my peripheral vision. Instantly, my curiosity was peaked as to what this could be. Quickly I adjusted my direction of sight and honed in on this unusual vision of colorful energy. Hovering in the air space above me and to my far left, somewhere close to 10-11 feet off the floor, was a glowing ectoplasmic formation of light.

At first I thought it was a single angel appearing to me in tis natural state of being, for it exhibited similar characteristics to that of the angel appearances I had witnessed in the past. Though similar in some ways, this supernatural entity was by far imperial in other ways. This energy force was larger . . . 3 to 4 times larger, and instead of it emanating a whitish glow of light, it emanated a reddish/orange shade of light, captivatingly bright and beautiful. Like with each and every divine happening I had experienced beforehand, this one too, left me with a sense o calming peace, joy and understanding. This royal presence of light was the Holy Spirit. At that moment I knew I was in the presence of God, for the Holy Spirit and God, though recognized as being separate, at the same time, are one in the same. To say the least, I was brought to tears as my heart overflowed with joy and appreciation. 

2012 marked another Leap Year, so on February 29th, just 9 days after I was visited by the Holy Spirit, I experienced another Divine Revelation. Once again I was sitting in my great room, leaning back in my comfortable chair, with my eyes closed and my thoughts deep in prayer. After accomplishing my objective, I opened my eyes and began to look around the room, while at the same time contemplating a mental list of things I needed to do the following day. Shortly later, and similar to before, my attention was diverted to a reddish/orange colored energy force appearing in the room right before my eyes, but this time it was noticeably different. This time, it appeared in a different section of the room's air space, and it was not of one divine entity, but of three. Within seconds I realized that my attention was being captured by the sight of the Holy Trinity . . . the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

The three reddish/orange colored supernatural beings appeared to be the same volume in size and content, and were positioned side by side with the center presence, appearing to be elevated just slightly higher than the other two. Once again I was filled with an innate sense of calm and understanding, while at the same time, feeling joyfully mesmerized by the heavenly sight before me. With both appearances: the Holy Spirit and the Holy Trinity; these divine energies made Their heavenly debuts and faded away within minutes of Their arrivals. Having witnessed these divine manifestations, I often find it difficult to accurately translate my true thoughts and feelings into words, words that would successfully communicate to others, exactly what I have experienced and continue to experience, for how does one accurately describe God and all of His mysteries. Please Note: The communication I received from the Holy Spirit, and later from the Holy Trinity, was personal - for my knowledge and development, and not meant to be shared with the world at this time.

On the evening of March 6, 2012, a "band of angels" once again appeared to me in my home and hovered in the air space above my head. This heavenly experience was very similar in presentation to that of the first; pleasantly mesmerizing me, while at the same time, filling me with a welcoming sense of serenity and security.

In the early morning hours of April 12, 2012, I woke from sleep to find myself standing in the center of my fairly large bedroom. Slightly dazed and somewhat puzzled by this newly exhibited behavior, I calmly began to assess the situation I was currently immersed in. I looked around my familiar room; everything seemed to be as I knew it, except I could not sense the presence of my furniture. In addition, the room seemed to be illuminated in soft glowing shades of blue and yellow. After mentally absorbing the changes of my surroundings, I then began to cast my eyes downward towards my feet. In this view, I could recognize my body, my clothing, my flooring, and of course - my feet. Next, I slowly began to raise my gaze upward, and in doing this, I realized for the first time during this experience that I was not alone in my bedroom.  

Once my sight was leveled, I found myself looking straight into the eyes of Jesus Christ Himself. Standing approximately 5 feet in front of me, with His arms resting by the sides of His nearly 6 foot tall frame, He lovingly looked into my eyes with a steady gaze. His face was a little different than what I had expected Him to look like, not as elongated as often depicted in various mediums, and slightly darker in skin tone. His hair was also darker; parted in the center, fuller and cropped just above the shoulders. He was wearing a clean white, crisp tunic with long flowing sleeves; as to what the material was - I could not tell. His right shoulder supported a generous drape of darker, sightly heavier fabric that swept down His chest, wrapped around His waist, and most likely, continued up His back, where the end of the fabric would of been seamed to meet its beginning. The drape appeared to be purplish in color, or perhaps deep blue, which puzzled me since His image has often been depicted wearing accents of red fabric. But to be honest, this could of been an illusion since I was now focusing only on His face and everything else was being seen with my peripheral vision. 

While I peered into His comforting, medium-brown eyes, He remained still and composed; gazing directly into my eyes and holding them captive as if to attempt to communicate with me telepathically. As I remained still in total wonderment of God standing before me, I began to ask myself, "Why has Jesus appeared to me . . . what has He come to tell me?" Within moments of completing that thought, Jesus broke from His statuesque stance and began to walk towards me, all the while, never casting His eyes away from mine. I, on the other hand, fixated on His glance, lingered still - almost frozen in place. 

Once again, thoughts began to stir in my mind, "Why is He walking towards me . . . what does this all mean?" Jesus continued pacing toward me, and upon reaching His destination, He literally walked inside of me, fully enveloping me. It was as though a wave of safe, intensified energy swept through my very being, lifting me up high on my toes before bringing me down on my heels. I remained still and almost stunned by what had just happened. Once again my thoughts began to stir. "Jesus just stepped inside of me . . . this is all so hard to comprehend . . . what is He trying to tell me? With that thought, Jesus stepped out of me in a backward motion until He was now standing 3 feet away from my body, all along never taking His eyes off of mine. Now face to face, He stood staring at me once again, and like before, he walked flawlessly into my body, completely inhabiting me for a second time, but this time was different . . . this time He remained within me. 

On Sunday morning, July 8, 2012, a similar experience to that which happened on November 24, 2011 (Revealed in Part Three) happened to me again, and surprisingly enough, at the same church. This particular event was witnessed by Father Joseph Shenosky, a visiting priest, who informed me after Mass, that he too, could see me radiating, so much that it appeared as though I was glowing. Once again, I could not see or sense this energy myself. In time, I began to realize these two occurrences were not for my benefit, but for the benefit of those who needed validation of the truth to my God given identity and purpose. In addition, there have been two other occurrences where people have approached me, claiming that they too could see me radiating light.

In late August of 2012, I received an inspirational message telling me to touch a dead potted plant and command its roots to wake up and send energy throughout its many vines. Two days later the plant began to produce new leaves, with additional leaves forming each day from that point on. I was totally amazed and completely excited to witness what was unfolding before my eyes . . . another miracle from God. Like so many of these miracles or Divine Revelations, this one also happened for an important reason . . . to inform, to prepare, and to provide reassurance of God's plan for me.

Since August of 2012, I have continued to experience additional Divine Revelations, each one being incredibly amazing, and each one being of biblical proportion. Each Divine Revelation received, has revealed and confirmed God's ultimate existence, power and love, not only for me, but for each and every one of us. Each Divine Revelation experienced, has been designed and sent to teach me, prepare me, and strengthen me for my God given future . . . my future as, The New Prophet - God's heavenly ambassador. My assignment: To share His 12 Divine Messages with each member of the world, and to teach of the Blessed Mother's love, and most importantly, Her desire to also help God's children, for He has blest Her with this supreme gift and esteemed honor.


by Raymond Warren Bennett on 07/24/13

Since the Roman Catholic Church is the largest Christian Church with at least 1.2 billion worldwide members, with my religious status accounting for one of the populous, I thought this would be the perfect place to begin seeking theological support and guidance. Several weeks later, with the self appointed aid of my dear friend, Ed, I was introduced to a Catholic priest, who in turn, graciously agreed to privately speak with me and listen to my incredible story. My first meeting with Father Gregory Hamill, the Paster of The Church of the Sacred Heart, in Oxford, Pennsylvania, took place at the church rectory on September 17, 2011, at three in the afternoon and ended close to an hour and a half later. More meetings were scheduled after that, each one lasting anywhere from forty five minutes to a little over two hours long. A total of seven meetings between Father Hamill and I took place that season, seven highly productive sessions, where over time, I had the opportunity to share in depth, all my earlier divine experiences with this genuinely interested and open minded man.

On November 18th of the same year, Father Hamill extended an invitation, via email, offering me an opportunity to attend a Thanksgiving Day Mass celebration being held at his pastoral church. I accepted, and on the crisp Thursday morning of November 24th, I drove the familiar six mile trip to The Church of the Sacred Heart, parked my car, stepped out and proceeded to follow the path to a different door this time - to the door of God's house, not Father's. I don't know what the total occupant capacity is for that moderate size church, but with a cursory glance around its interior, I would venture to say the church was 1/2 full on that Thanksgiving Day morning - perhaps 100 people . . . give, or take a few. Towards the end of the service, Father announced that all parishioners were invited to gather afterwards in the Church Hall for complimentary donuts, cookies, juice, coffee or tea, and so, like many, I too, decided to accept his kind offer. 

Fifteen minutes later, Father Hamill appeared in the room, and upon locating me in the crowd, began his onward approach towards me, all the while exhibiting a subtle sense of joy. It was then I learned that I had been radiating a strong energy force all throughout the Mass that morning. Father went on to explain, that Mary Anne Fazio, a faithful Sacred Heart parishioner and the now former, Director of Religious Education for the Parish School, came running up to him just ten minutes earlier to explain this divine phenomenon she had witnessed. To Father's knowledge, Mary Anne was the only one who experienced the radiating characteristic of my being that day. Even I, was not aware of this energy force that had emanated outward from within me.

After Father properly introduced us, Mary Anne communicated that she and her husband were seated in church prior to me that day, for she took noticed of my later appearance. She testified to myself, her husband and to Father Hamill, that upon my arrival, my presence was called to her attention by the strong pulsating force of energy that was emanating from me. Mary Anne stated that this force continued all throughout mass and stopped when I exited the church. "Did you not see me or feel me starring at you throughout the Mass", she asked. "I was so intrigued by this mystifying occurrence that I could not take my eyes off of you.", she said. My experience on November 24, 2011 would prove to be another catalyst, this time providing me with additional spiritual strength and understanding, sent to guide me further along my journey's path, while preparing me for the acceptance of more Divine Revelations to come in the following months.

Side Note: After learning of my entire story, Mary Anne went on to become an advocate for my Heavenly cause. In May of 2012, she contacted two Christian Radio Talk Show hosts and strongly suggested for them to meet with me. On June the 16th of the following month, a three hour long interview took place which resulted in an invitation to guest speak on the Christian Radio Program, "As The Spirit Leads." To date, I have been invited to speak on-air a total of seven times, having the opportunity to tell of my story and the importance of the Divine Messages. It has often been said that God works in mysterious ways. I, certainly can not argue that. To this day, I remain most appreciative of Mary Anne's support.

Part Four of "Divine Revelations" will be posted for reading on August 7, 2013


by Raymond Warren Bennett on 07/17/13

In my research, I found it written: God has often revealed Himself to men through means beyond the ordinary course of nature. This is supernatural, or Divine Revelation, as opposed to the natural revelation of Himself, that God makes in the external world. Some revealed truths are beyond the power of human understanding; we could never, by our own abilities, have known such truths if God had not revealed them to us. For instance, could we by ourselves have known about the Blessed Holy Trinity, had God not revealed it? In Catholicism, Divine Revelation is emphasized as the primary means by which the faithful come to know God's word. According to Catholicism, Divine Revelation is the original source of Catholic Doctrine - - it is the disclosure, unveiling, and a making known of God by God Himself. God may see fit to employ supernatural means to affirm His truths, the discovery of which is not per se beyond the powers of reason. The essence of Divine Revelation lies in the fact that it is the direct speech of God to man. The mode of communication, however, may be mediate. Divine Revelation does not cease to be such if God's message is delivered to us by a prophet, who alone is the recipient of immediate communication . . . divine communication that he or she is destine to share with the world. 

As revealed in the published account of my incredible story, "Heavenly Comfort", and reiterated in Part One of this Four Part blog posting, when as a child, I was taken up to Heaven where the Blessed Mother declared that the Lord, had preselected me to become The New Prophet and The Key to World Peace. I was then given Twelve Divine Messages to be delivered to the world at a time decided upon by God Himself. In addition, I was told, that once fully grown, the Lord's Mother, serving as my messenger from Her Son, would communicate with me so as to guide me, strengthen me, and constantly reassure me of Her Son's plan for world peace. After being blest with life for a second time, I returned as a new person - one with an enormous secret and a cross-like weight to bear for the next forty years, for this too was part of Heaven's plan. This heavy burden, or curse, as I once referred to it as - - in time, became the special blessing that I know it to be today.

Oddly enough, I became comfortably familiar with the direct signs, locutions, and angel messages - declarations approved by God and sent by the Blessed Mother. After years of exposure, these heavenly directives and acknowledgements eventually had become part of my everyday life. It has been said, "Once you get comfortable in life - you can then expect it all to change", and change it did. On November 24, 2011, a stronger, more preeminent form of communication was experienced, - the receipt of a Divine Revelation, and the first of many. I believe these newly received affirmations, of which I will share with you in this blog series, were not just a product of the Blessed Mother's will and guidance, guidance being delivered on Her Son's behalf, but from a higher, exalted expression of contact, now coming directly from God Himself.

Just prior to November 24, 2011, in August of the same year, I received a long awaited locution, a pronouncement stating, "The time is coming . . . the year is 2012." There has never been any question in my heart as to whom this particular message came from, or its meaning. The Blessed Mother, Herself, instructed me on that fateful day in 1962, that when deemed necessary, She would deliver this time sensitive information to me on behalf of Her Son's desires. Upon receipt of this supreme edict, I began to formulate a strategy on how to advance forward with my destiny and mission to assist the Lord with His plan for world peace. Instinctively, I knew there would be more divine guidance to come, and hopefully soon, since the world's unbeknown fate and Heaven's future triumph was being placed in my hands . . . the hands of an ordinary man.

Part Three of "Divine Revelations" will be posted for reading on July 24, 2013


by Raymond Warren Bennett on 07/10/13

To those of you who had been following my Blog, I apologize for the six month gap between my previous writing and this present submission. From the beginning, I was hoping to submit my pertinent thoughts and ideas every week, but after a while, it became difficult for me. So to compromise, I then decided to submit an entry every two weeks. Before long, my plan changed to once a month, until I hit a wall, at which point I just submitted something whenever I could. So many variables have affected my Blog writing efforts, such as the lack of proper time to sit and pen an insightful and informative story on a planned schedule, writings that I would feel contented to publish. Often my weeks are filled with meetings, letter writing, phone calls, helping the sick through intercessory healing, and guest speaking on Christian Radio when invited, all in the effort to promote my God given mission. When I'm not doing that - I am trying to maintain a house and a personal life . . . and then there have been my incredible involvements with Divine Revelations . . . many revelations of biblical proportions.

It has often been said, there are no coincidences in life, that everything happens for a reason. Everyone has a chosen path to travel along, to get them to the one designated spot where God intends for them to end up. For some, the course is short and somewhat easy to maneuver, destined with early success and happiness. For others, the journey seems to go on forever, plotted with trials and tribulations and numerous obstacles, sometimes seeming as though that person's life had been cursed. Most of whom fall into the latter category, will hopefully get to that place in life where they can begin to accept their given journey, knowing that when they finally arrive - they will be exactly where they were intended to be all along, and right on time . . . on God's time. For these challenged souls, the personal rewards will be even more significant and meaningful in the end. In the end they will knowingly have received strength, patience, humility, and grace - precious gifts that will give them a true sense of understanding and spiritual peace . . . a blessed reward more valuable than their weight in gold.

My life has always been challenging to say the least, and my experiences have been surprisingly unique. After all, how many children are taken up to Heaven at the tender age of seven years & eight months old, greeted by the Blessed Mother, and informed that the Lord Himself, had appointed that child, to one day become The New Prophet and The Key to World Peace. That they were the Chosen One, destined to deliver Twelve Divine Messages to all of God's children on earth. That world peace was not only possible, but could be achieved within their lifetime, but only if they accepted their role in Heaven's plan. (Read the "Spiritual Knowledge" section of my website for more information on this subject.)

The Blessed Mother said to me, "Do not be afraid, for I will give you all that you will need, and when you will need it. Eventually, everything will come together like pieces to a puzzle, and when the last piece falls into place - you will then know and understand everything . . . trust in the Lord's plan." The Lord's Mother also informed me that once fully grown, She would begin to communicate with me through the delivery of signs, locutions and the appointment of angel messengers, so as to guide me, strengthen me, and reassure me of Her Son's plan. A lot of weight and responsibility to be balanced on the shoulders of such a young boy. The same young boy who would be determined to do his best for the sake of Heaven's plan - a child, steadfast in carrying that responsibility into his adulthood and out to fruition. 

I have been receiving supernatural signs and messages of communication for over the past thirty three years, and out of many, eight have been delivered through angelic encounters. Some communications are clearly understood, while others are somewhat cryptic, as to alert, or prepare me of a stronger, more decisive message to arrive later. Based on my familiarity with these celestial directives, I have come to learn that there are divine signs, and there are divine messages, and then there are DIVINE REVELATIONS. With that said, I sometimes feel as though I am a living character, walking through the virtual pages of a compelling novel - an imaginative writing in where the main subject, an assigned operative, is placed on a quest to help save all of humanity. Though perhaps somewhat exaggerated, I express this thought because of the fiction-like nature of my engagement in the supernatural plot line that has been, and remains centered around my life . . . the story of The New Prophet - The Key to World Peace.

Part Two of "Divine Revelations" will be posted for reading on July 17, 2013     

In The Light Of Darkness

by Raymond Warren Bennett on 01/22/13

I recently had the privilege to be invited to speak on the radio again. December the 18th would mark my 4th opportunity in 2012 to share my divine experience with the listener's of station WTMR's "As The Spirit Leads". Since going public with my story on August 1, 2012, talk show host, Barbaranne Marion, whom I first met on June the16th of the same year, has been very gracious in helping me further my ardent efforts. Barbaranne is a kind soul, who for the past 38 years has been truly dedicated in serving the Lord and the Blessed Mother by providing an on-air Christian forum for invited guests to nationally share their religious beliefs and/or heavenly experiences with her devoted listeners. 

From the beginning, Barbaranne has often told me that when planning a show, she will always have a topic in mind, but rarely will have a planned outline to follow. Instead she prefers to follow as the spirit leads her - hence the name of her radio show, "As The Spirit Leads". My guest spot on December the 18th came four days after the horrific news of the Newtown, Connecticut manslaughter of 20 first graders and 6 adults whose lives were extinguished by an unconscionable act of pure evil. December 18th also fell just 54 days after Super Storm Sandy hit the United States' upper eastern shoreline creating a path of unimaginable devastation and the destruction of many family units, uprooting thousands of people and taking approximately 150 lives in its wake.

Sadly enough, the year 2012 brought many tragedies and sorrows to those living in the United States and around the world, both on a personal and national scale. Every heartache tends to weigh heavily on one's mind and soul, creating an invisible vacuum that can drain our spiritual energy, and in time can even undermine our emotional balance and weaken our faith. As the spirit would lead, with surprise to me, Barbaranne began her show that day talking about the above mentioned news stories and the heavy hearts being carried by all those closely affected. God certainly works in mysterious ways, for the program's planned topic was going to be "Joyous Christmas Memories". Through divine intervention, I was then presented with the opportunity to share the Lord's messages regarding the death/life experience, told to me by the Blessed Mother. A heavenly gift of words created to lighten the burden of heartache carried by all grieving loved ones located here and around the world, for death, natural or unnatural, will one day touch us all. 

The Fifth Message told to me by the Blessed Mother in 1962: "The spirit has memory. When a person dies, not only does their spirit live on, but their memory lives on too. Every good thing that one experienced in life will be able to be remembered in Heaven. Anything that caused physical or emotional pain will only be retained as a fact that it once happened or existed and will no longer be important. Memory will also serve as a comfort for those spirits coming to Heaven first before the arrival of their loved ones. Since the spirit has memory, the Lord also wants people to know that while they are on earth thinking of those they lost to death, the spirits of those same loved ones will have the ability to think of their friends and family too, and remember their past together." 

The Ninth Message told to me by the Blessed Mother in 1962: "I want to tell you of the mystery between life and death. When a person dies, a heavy burden of sadness is often carried by those left behind. For some, the loss can be overwhelming and life changing. This saddens me too. The good Lord understands this and desires for me to explain that communication between life and death can continue on, if one wishes. All you have to do is to talk to the spirit of your loved one passionately from the heart, softly out loud or in your thoughts, and an unseen energy will go out from you and find that particular spirit and pull it towards you. The spirit you are talking to will then be able to hear you. This form of communication will not be like that between human to human, however this knowledge and ability will give many people comfort."

In the Ninth Message, the Blessed Mother went on to say, "If people desire, they can privately continue to share their lives, thoughts and feelings with those whom have passed on. Since the spirit has memory, the spirit of loved ones will always have a strong connection with you, whether you try to communicate with them or not. Should one desire, it is okay to ask a spirit to give a personal sign that they have heard you. Answered signs will give people confirmation . . . confirmation that will help improve one's inner peace and help to lighten their burden of grief, therefore helping to improve their quality of life." All twelve of the Lord's messages told to me by the Blessed Mother can be found in "The Spiritual Knowledge" section of my Heavenly Comfort website."     

Though the ordinary man looks upon death with dread and sadness, those who have gone once before, such as myself, know it as a wondrous experience of blissful peace and comfort. One never truly dies, but moves on to start another life in a heavenly realm, and like all partings, those who are left behind must find a way to accept the change and move forward. During this process of loss, it is important to remember that death is never permanent nor is our earthly connection completely broken between life and death. One day we will all be reunited with our loved ones in Heaven where everyone will be able to pick up where they once left off with each other. For some, the waiting period will seem long, but joyously worth while in the end. I wish you understanding, a lighter heart, and most of all - - I wish you peace.

The First Miracle

by Raymond Warren Bennett on 09/18/12

A miracle is a phenomenon not fully explained by known laws of nature, or an act by some supernatural entity or unknown outside force. Some scientists and theologians suggest that miracles are not violations of the laws of nature but explorations of a new realm of physical experience. With divine providence, God regularly works through created nature, yet is free to work without it, above or against it as well. Miracles happen everyday, and to most, are never fully realized. A birth of a child is often considered commonplace, but in reality, the momentous occasion could be argued to be a true miracle. A driver who's car is mangled in a multi-car pileup, yet walks away unscathed, has been truly blest with a miracle, but many would brush the incident off to be nothing more than just pure luck. A person lying in a hospital bed on the brink of death, who suddenly makes an unbelievable recovery, has more than likely been blest with a miracle, though the medical industry would claim it was all due to medicine. The watchful eye and presence of God is everywhere and His gifts are abundant including the gifts of His many miracles given to us each day, both small and significant in size. 

In April of 2000, my mother, Marjorie, was admitted to the hospital suffering with severe abdominal pains. She was later diagnosed with a major bowel blockage, but due to her 82 years of age and her ongoing symptoms with lung disease, the doctors thought she was too frail for an operation. A regime of large volume industrial strength citrus nitrate drinks (my words, not the doctors)  were given to her on a scheduled timeframe throughout each day for a four day run. Mother was a trooper, never complaining while holding on with pure faith that this medical alternative would work. Success came shortly after consuming the twelfth cocktail of this human liquid plumber (again, my words not the doctors). She and the rest of the family thought she was now out of the woods and soon could be released back into my care. 

By the evening of the very same day, mother seemed to be a little out of sorts, and at first I thought it was just signs of pure exhaustion. After all she had been through a lot for a woman of her age and one in her condition, but regardless, I brought it to the attention of the night nurses. I was told not to worry - she is just fine - a little worn out - now that the worst is behind her, she'll be much better in the morning after a good nights sleep. I knew my mother very well, and therefore stressed that her new symptoms were stemming from something more than just pure exhaustion, but once again I was assured that all was okay. Approximately around 5:20 AM the next morning I was wakened by a call from the hospital's House Doctor who informed me that my mother had taken a turn for the worse and was now dying. Unfortunately I had been correct in my earlier assumption that something was terribly wrong with her condition. 

After receiving the bad news, I quickly showered, shaved and dressed for my early trip back to the hospital, but before leaving the house I knew I needed to make a few phone calls. A strong voice within instructed me to first call Monsignor Helduser, the then pastor of St. Dorothy's, my former church in Drexel Hill, Pennsylvania, and ask if he would come to the hospital and perform The Last Rights ceremony for my mom, and he graciously agreed to do so. The other calls were placed to my two brothers, informing them of the recent turn of events and the House Doctor's suggestion for the family to hurry to our mother's bedside. 

Upon my arrival I soon learned that my mother's breathing had become very labored around midnight - the evening before. That situation was soon followed by a series of life threatening symptoms which were attended to by a team of specialists working arduously throughout the wee hours of the morning to try and improve her condition, but to no avail. My mother's heart had begun pumping fluids into her lungs, so much that I was told she would soon drown internally, and of course this was causing her oxygen levels to drop dangerously low. In addition, her carbon levels were so high that if she did not drown from the excess fluids, she would die from the carbon gases poisoning her blood stream. It was hard to believe at the time, in fact I was very puzzled, for you see, when as a child, I was told by the Blessed Mother that it was important to God's plan that my mother live to the age of 84, and at that moment she was two weeks away from her 82nd birthday. None of this made any sense to me.

Monsignor Helduser walked into my mother's hospital room close to 11:30 that morning with an apology for appearing so late, but due to the arrival of Easter week, Monsignor had several Masses to celebrate beforehand. My family and I were just so appreciative that he agreed to come, and so thankful that he made it in time. Monsignor performed The Last Rights ceremony as requested, then turned to the family and offered up his sympathies for reasons that were obvious. Funny thing, I watched the Monsignor as he walked towards the door to exit the room, and as he reached the passage to the hallway, he stopped as if something unseen was telling him to do so. At this point in time, my family had gathered back around my mother's bedside, unaware of what I was noticing. It appeared as though Monsignor Helduser was listening to a voice that only he could hear. He cocked his head slightly to the left and paused, then he cocked his head slightly to the right and paused again. I knew at that point that something divine was happening, but exactly what I wasn't sure.

After standing within inches of the door frame for a period of time, Monsignor turned inward towards the family and said, "I have a thought, let us all gather around Marjorie's bed, hold hands and pray to the Blessed Mother and ask Her to help Marjorie in her hour of need. The pastor then led us in prayer as each of us followed his lead. When the prayers were completed, Monsignor Helduser once again offered up his sympathies and exited the room. Perhaps it had only been five to ten minutes later when my mother's eyelids began to flutter and her lips began to form a few words. I can still remember my two brothers' reactions to be somewhat confused, but for me, I began to rejoice in my heart for I was sensing what was about to happen . . . something wonderful . . .  something of God. 

To make a long story short as they say, within another seven to ten minutes later and before the Monsignor had probably even reached his car in the parking garage, my mother's eyes were fully opened and she was talking clearly. I still can recall how excited I was, not only to know that my mother was fully back with us, but that she was a recipient of something divine - - a miracle. Moments later I went running out of the room and down the hallway to the nurses station trying so hard to be articulate in explaining what had just happened, but due to my mother's previous condition, and my uncontrollable excitement, I was not believed. One kind nurse placed me in a chair, while she attempted to inform me I was in a mild form of shock, followed by the offer of a sedative. I demanded for her to go to my mother's room and see for herself. "If I do that for you, would you then consider taking the sedative?, she asked. I replied with, "Yes I will". At that point I would of promised that nurse anything to get her to go to my mother's room and witness the miraculous recovery for herself.

I remained in the chair and watched as this young, slight woman casually walked down the hallway and into my mother's room, and seconds later watched with delight as she  came running out of the room yelling and screaming for the other nurses and doctor's to come to the scene. Suffice it to say that I wasn't the only one who needed a sedative that day. The results of the examinations that followed boggled the minds of each physician. A woman who had been on the brink of death just one hour before was now sitting up and talking clearly. In addition, her lungs were now free of excess fluids, her heart was beating normally, and her oxygen levels, blood sugars and blood gases were all normal. She even asked what was for lunch.

The Blessed Mother told me at the tender age of seven years and eight months old that it was important to God's plan that my mother live to the the age of 84 years old . . . and so in the end she did just that, passing away on September 15, 2002 - two years and six months later. The Blessed Mother had also informed me that in my adult life She would begin to send me many signs, signs that would provide validation to the prophecy, and signs that would guide and prepare me for what would lie ahead. I believe I witnessed a true miracle that day, an event that perplexed everyone of my mother's doctors and nurses. A miracle that for me, served as the first sign of many signs to come. 

The Importance of Prayer

by Raymond Warren Bennett on 08/29/12

For the devout, there has never been any question that prayer has the power to heal. Research and medical studies have shown that prayer has prevented some people from ever getting sick, while others, who had become ill, recuperated faster because of their faith and belief in prayer. Dr. Koening, director of Duke's Center for Spirituality, Theology and Health, says a striking study published in the Southern Medical Journal last year demonstrated that prayer has a remarkable effect on patients with hearing and visual deficiencies. After prayer sessions, "They showed significant improvements based on audio and visual test", Koening states. 

Additional studies have also shown that people involved in a faith community or religious commitment cope better with stress and experience greater well-being. Through the presence of faith and prayer, these people have been able to be more tolerant, optimistic and experience less anxiety or depression. They have proven to have stronger immune systems, lower blood pressure, and in general have a much better outlook on life. Prayer has the ability to strengthen our mental, physical and spiritual health. Prayer also gives us the opportunity to speak directly with God and receive His peace and blessings in return.

Jesus gave us the Lord's Prayer as a model prayer, and Jesus himself often went off to pray, setting an example for us to do the same. The Lord has given each and everyone of us so many gifts to enjoy while here on earth, including the one of prayer. In the midst of our busy lives, we need to find time to reflect on the importance of prayer, and the acceptance that prayer grounds us, centers us and blesses us. This heavenly provision is truly a gift from God . . . and perhaps one of His most valuable, for prayer can create strength, provide assistance in our hour of need, and heal when all else fails. In this day of advanced communication devices, prayer still remains the number one most effective and powerful implement of them all . . . so pick up a prayer today and talk to God - He would love to hear from you.  

Having Faith

by Raymond Warren Bennett on 08/14/12

If someone were to ask me for my definition of the word faith, I would reply, "Faith is believing in something you can not see, but you know in your heart to be true". We exercise our faith on so many levels throughout each day, often without consciously realizing it. We have faith as we venture out into traffic, seldom giving thought that we could be involved in an accident. We have faith that we will avoid getting sick even when a person openly sneezes or coughs in our face. We have faith that our homes will not suffer serious damage during the worst of storms. And we have faith that our loved ones, or ourselves for that matter, will never experience financial misfortune. 

Let's face it, there are those times when we take our faith for granted, and there are those times when our faith becomes the very anchor that stabilizes our existence. Faith is a daily necessity for it is the most important part of our lives. Without it, we could not pray. Without it, we could never connect with God, praise Him, thank Him, beseech Him, or truly recognize His love and receive His many blessings. Truth is, real faith is a gift that we all posses, a characteristic of our divine heredity, but this gift can only be nurtured and strengthened through our prayer and devotion to God - - our great benefactor.

Having enduring faith in God, our heavenly Father, has always been the cornerstone of every religion. Perhaps you remember reading the Lord's Seventh Message revealed by the Blessed Mother in The Spiritual Knowledge. "I want to tell you of the secret of religion. No matter where anyone has lived in the world at any particular point in time, no matter what their culture has been or religions traditions practiced, no matter what people around the world have called their supreme beings or pictured them to look like . . . the truth has alway been that mankind has continually been praying to the same, God our heavenly Father."

From the inception of this writing, I have been setting the stage to share with you what I believe to be a beautiful example of one man's faith and his willingness to be open minded regarding God and religion. Several weeks ago I was approached by this very same person who stated he had listened to me on the radio and had become intrigued with the Lord's Seventh Message. For you to better understand this, I must tell you that this man was born and raised in India and worships within the Hinduism religion. 

At one point during our thought provoking conversation, my new contemplative friend stated, "I have been seriously thinking about what you had said on the radio. If everyone, throughout time, has been praying to the same God, then my God is really your God . . . and your God is truly my God. If your God had a mother who is referred to as the Blessed Mother . . . then my God had the very same mother, for our God is one in the same. Believing in my heart that this is true, I see there is no reason for me not to believe in the Blessed Mother's existence or the fact that the Lord gifted Her with many heavenly blessings . . . the same blessed gifts She utilizes when helping those who believe in Her and pray to Her. You may be pleased to know I have already begun to pray to Her." I replied, "I am  pleased to know that, but better yet, I imagine She is extremely pleased to know that also."

Why Me?

by Raymond Warren Bennett on 08/08/12

From the very beginning of my divine experience, I would often stop and ponder the question "Why me?' What makes me so special that the dear Lord would select me above all others to one day carry out such a significantly important task. Imagine being informed by the Blessed Mother that you would one day be responsible to reach out to the world and start the momentum towards world peace, and yet, at the time, you would be lucky to be even considered for next-to-last player choice in schoolyard games. Imagine often being insulted to keep quiet cause your opinions did not matter, or being told you would more than likely never amount to anything. How could that very same degraded child ever conceive that he would one day have the strength, courage and spiritual equipment to embark on such an unbelievable journey, not to mention be truly worthy of its honor.

Years passed by and I eventually moved on to experience and survive my childhood and teenage years, often stopping in thought along the way to once again ask that familiar question, "Why me?" The inclination to search for this puzzling answer continued on into my twenties and thirties. When I reached my forties, I found myself asking this question less and less, for it was during that timeframe that I began to receive the Blessed Mother's heavenly guidance that She assured me I would inherit one day. Guidance that would slowly prepare me for my future responsibility . . . divine guidance that would, in addition, provide the certainty of my calling and the answers to my questions. 

In time I came to learn many things about my character that I was not fully aware of early on . . . character that would arm me with the necessary preparative tools to undertake such a feat. Could it be that the good Lord gifted me with such strong spiritual constitution, or could it be that the good Lord, in His ultimate wisdom, knew from the beginning what type of person I would turn out to be. After all, we were all given free will at birth to eventually make our own decisions, whether for right or wrong reasons. Perhaps I was chosen for the unwavering courage and devotion I would come to possess . . . devotion to the Lord and the Blessed Mother, to one day, against adversity, assist Them in Their plan for world peace. I would certainly like to think that, but perhaps I may never know the correct answer until the day I arrive in heaven for my permanent stay, but then again, when that day comes, I may not ask, "Why me?", for I will no longer be curious.

"Heavenly Comfort" Official Launch

by Raymond Warren Bennett on 07/31/12

This coming Fall will mark the 50 year anniversary of my divine experience, the experience that would change my life forever, eventually putting me on a course that many would say is utterly absurd and nearly impossible to accomplish. I can fully understand why one would think that when hearing of my story for the first time. Imagine how I felt when the Blessed Mother appeared and informed me that I had been chosen to assist the Lord with His plan for world peace. 

I would be lying if I said, at the tender age of 7 years and 8 months old, I did not find this responsibility to be daunting, and sometimes frightening. How would a child ever get prepared to take on such an enormous task? As the years turned into decades, I found myself becoming more and more comfortable with my chosen destiny, realizing that my assigned divine request was never a curse, but a true divine honor . . . an honor that I intend to carry out with devotion and pride.

I have so many people to thank for their sincere support in helping me stay focused and strong as I prepared for this auspicious day.  My friends, both old and new, whom for many years believed in me and encouraged me to continue moving forward - I love and appreciate each and everyone of you.  I also owe gratitude to Dann Cuellar of ABC Channel Six Action News in Philadelphia for his unwavering support of my divine effort and his interest to one day interview me for a national broadcast. 

I thank Father Gregory Hamill, who was most generous with his time and most supportive of my divine experience, believing in me and the importance of my God given quest. I'm appreciative of Archbishop Charles Chaput of Philadelphia, who was gracious to receive and read my documentation on "Conversations and Messages From the Blessed Mother." The Archbishop stated in writing that divine experiences are often difficult to authenticate, so he reserves the right not to comment at this time, but would encourage me to continue pursuing this matter. 

I am also appreciative to MaryAnne Fazio, who introduced me to Christian Radio Talk Show Hosts, Drew Mariani of  "The Drew Mariani Show" on Relevant Radio and Barbaranne Marion of  "As the Spirit Leads" on WTMR 800 AM, both of whom have showed sincere interest and support of my divine effort. And last, but certainly not least, my website, "Heavenly Comfort" would not of been possible without the technical services of Josh Frattali, a talented Web Master and an all-around great guy. Thank you Josh for a job well done.

Throughout my life, my blessings have provide me with the opportunities to partake in exalted activities and witness the beautiful existence of a loving divine energy. Though these experiences have been many, my story is far from completed, for my story will continually build and live on.  Please revisit my Blog page from time to time as I share my news, thoughts and stories relating to my heavenly life experiences and my valiant effort to help the Lord with His plan for world peace.    Thank You.

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