"Heavenly Comfort" Official Launch
by Raymond Warren Bennett on 07/31/12This coming Fall will mark the 50 year anniversary of my divine experience, the experience that would change my life forever, eventually putting me on a course that many would say is utterly absurd and nearly impossible to accomplish. I can fully understand why one would think that when hearing of my story for the first time. Imagine how I felt when the Blessed Mother appeared and informed me that I had been chosen to assist the Lord with His plan for world peace.
I would be lying if I said, at the tender age of 7 years and 8 months old, I did not find this responsibility to be daunting, and sometimes frightening. How would a child ever get prepared to take on such an enormous task? As the years turned into decades, I found myself becoming more and more comfortable with my chosen destiny, realizing that my assigned divine request was never a curse, but a true divine honor . . . an honor that I intend to carry out with devotion and pride.
I have so many people to thank for their sincere support in helping me stay focused and strong as I prepared for this auspicious day. My friends, both old and new, whom for many years believed in me and encouraged me to continue moving forward - I love and appreciate each and everyone of you. I also owe gratitude to Dann Cuellar of ABC Channel Six Action News in Philadelphia for his unwavering support of my divine effort and his interest to one day interview me for a national broadcast.
I thank Father Gregory Hamill, who was most generous with his time and most supportive of my divine experience, believing in me and the importance of my God given quest. I'm appreciative of Archbishop Charles Chaput of Philadelphia, who was gracious to receive and read my documentation on "Conversations and Messages From the Blessed Mother." The Archbishop stated in writing that divine experiences are often difficult to authenticate, so he reserves the right not to comment at this time, but would encourage me to continue pursuing this matter.
I am also appreciative to MaryAnne Fazio, who introduced me to Christian Radio Talk Show Hosts, Drew Mariani of "The Drew Mariani Show" on Relevant Radio and Barbaranne Marion of "As the Spirit Leads" on WTMR 800 AM, both of whom have showed sincere interest and support of my divine effort. And last, but certainly not least, my website, "Heavenly Comfort" would not of been possible without the technical services of Josh Frattali, a talented Web Master and an all-around great guy. Thank you Josh for a job well done.
Throughout my life, my blessings have provide me with the opportunities to partake in exalted activities and witness the beautiful existence of a loving divine energy. Though these experiences have been many, my story is far from completed, for my story will continually build and live on. Please revisit my Blog page from time to time as I share my news, thoughts and stories relating to my heavenly life experiences and my valiant effort to help the Lord with His plan for world peace. Thank You.