DIVINE REVELATIONS / Part Four of Four : Raymond's Blog


by Raymond Warren Bennett on 08/07/13

Please Note: If you are new to my Blog or new to this Four Part Blog Series, I recommend that you scroll down to "Divine Revelations - Part One of Four", to begin reading this manuscript from the beginning, since each part flows into the other, providing the reader with clarity.

I have experienced angel visitations for many years now, and with these experiences, I have observed that angels can appear in many different forms. In brief, the best way I can describe these various embodiments would be: 1) Full human form. 2) Partial human form, where the angel appears as a semi-transparent image. 3) They can also appear life-like from the head and shoulders, with their image gradually fading into nothingness from that body location on downward. 4) And last, to my witness, angels can also appear in their natural form - a pure energy formation. Some may call this an orb, but from my research of what an orb is, I would have to say that an angel's energy force is different from that of the energy force of a non-angel spirit, or orb. 

On the evening of January 18, 2012, while sitting quietly in my great room, with lights turned off, I leaned back and burrowed my head into the soft pillow top of my favorite chair, closed my eyes and began to talk with God. Just minutes after completing my prayerful conversation, I opened my eyes, and while adjusting my vision to the dimly lit room, I began to focus my sights upward towards my high vaulted ceiling with its detailed architectural features. Within seconds, I begun to see something so unbelievable, so beautiful and heavenly surreal . . . I began to see what I believed to of been a "band of angels." 

My great room measures 18' X 20', and filling its upward airspace from wall to wall on all four sides was a vision of a celestial legion. Appearing before my eyes was an excessive number of softly glowing, whitish colored, energy shapes, hovering close together as to insinuate they were forming a protection barrier. With a closer examination it was noticeable that these heavenly energy formations varied somewhat in size from one another, slightly undulating in their shape, and gently bobbing in an up and down motion. Perhaps their size indicated their level of importance, or years of service to God. Each of these forces displayed an activity of diminutive, low intensity sparks coming from their core. All the time I was witnessing this glorious reveal, I felt totally at peace and overwhelmingly grateful for the opportunity to be having this experience, and to be receiving God's loving message of comfort and safety assurance.

On January 21, 2012 - I received a small cut tulip arrangement from my niece, Erin and her, then fiance, Fran. At the time of receipt, each flower was approximately 10 inches high from the bottom of their cut stem to the tip of their flower petals. In deep appreciation of the receipt of my thoughtful gift, I found myself continually drawn to the simplistic beauty of the 20 count, yellow and red flowers - often gently touching their petals and leaves. On January 23rd, the flowers began to grow. Not only did the stems lengthen, but the flower heads enlarged also. By January 25th, the flowers had collectively elongated, each one reaching between 20 and 22 inches in height with their flower heads enlarging to three times their original size. I knew without a doubt, this occurrence was a Divine Revelation, for it was obvious to me it was directly from God. As to what He was trying to tell me . . . well that became clear to me later on. 

On the evening of February 20, 2012, approximately around 10:30, I walked into my great room to sit down and rest for a while before going back to my daunting project of painting my three level dinning room ceiling, a project I had devoted several days to. Like many times before, after sitting down, I soon found myself looking up at my great room's high volumed ceiling. Upon casting my eyes upward, I caught the sight of a deep toned light in my peripheral vision. Instantly, my curiosity was peaked as to what this could be. Quickly I adjusted my direction of sight and honed in on this unusual vision of colorful energy. Hovering in the air space above me and to my far left, somewhere close to 10-11 feet off the floor, was a glowing ectoplasmic formation of light.

At first I thought it was a single angel appearing to me in tis natural state of being, for it exhibited similar characteristics to that of the angel appearances I had witnessed in the past. Though similar in some ways, this supernatural entity was by far imperial in other ways. This energy force was larger . . . 3 to 4 times larger, and instead of it emanating a whitish glow of light, it emanated a reddish/orange shade of light, captivatingly bright and beautiful. Like with each and every divine happening I had experienced beforehand, this one too, left me with a sense o calming peace, joy and understanding. This royal presence of light was the Holy Spirit. At that moment I knew I was in the presence of God, for the Holy Spirit and God, though recognized as being separate, at the same time, are one in the same. To say the least, I was brought to tears as my heart overflowed with joy and appreciation. 

2012 marked another Leap Year, so on February 29th, just 9 days after I was visited by the Holy Spirit, I experienced another Divine Revelation. Once again I was sitting in my great room, leaning back in my comfortable chair, with my eyes closed and my thoughts deep in prayer. After accomplishing my objective, I opened my eyes and began to look around the room, while at the same time contemplating a mental list of things I needed to do the following day. Shortly later, and similar to before, my attention was diverted to a reddish/orange colored energy force appearing in the room right before my eyes, but this time it was noticeably different. This time, it appeared in a different section of the room's air space, and it was not of one divine entity, but of three. Within seconds I realized that my attention was being captured by the sight of the Holy Trinity . . . the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

The three reddish/orange colored supernatural beings appeared to be the same volume in size and content, and were positioned side by side with the center presence, appearing to be elevated just slightly higher than the other two. Once again I was filled with an innate sense of calm and understanding, while at the same time, feeling joyfully mesmerized by the heavenly sight before me. With both appearances: the Holy Spirit and the Holy Trinity; these divine energies made Their heavenly debuts and faded away within minutes of Their arrivals. Having witnessed these divine manifestations, I often find it difficult to accurately translate my true thoughts and feelings into words, words that would successfully communicate to others, exactly what I have experienced and continue to experience, for how does one accurately describe God and all of His mysteries. Please Note: The communication I received from the Holy Spirit, and later from the Holy Trinity, was personal - for my knowledge and development, and not meant to be shared with the world at this time.

On the evening of March 6, 2012, a "band of angels" once again appeared to me in my home and hovered in the air space above my head. This heavenly experience was very similar in presentation to that of the first; pleasantly mesmerizing me, while at the same time, filling me with a welcoming sense of serenity and security.

In the early morning hours of April 12, 2012, I woke from sleep to find myself standing in the center of my fairly large bedroom. Slightly dazed and somewhat puzzled by this newly exhibited behavior, I calmly began to assess the situation I was currently immersed in. I looked around my familiar room; everything seemed to be as I knew it, except I could not sense the presence of my furniture. In addition, the room seemed to be illuminated in soft glowing shades of blue and yellow. After mentally absorbing the changes of my surroundings, I then began to cast my eyes downward towards my feet. In this view, I could recognize my body, my clothing, my flooring, and of course - my feet. Next, I slowly began to raise my gaze upward, and in doing this, I realized for the first time during this experience that I was not alone in my bedroom.  

Once my sight was leveled, I found myself looking straight into the eyes of Jesus Christ Himself. Standing approximately 5 feet in front of me, with His arms resting by the sides of His nearly 6 foot tall frame, He lovingly looked into my eyes with a steady gaze. His face was a little different than what I had expected Him to look like, not as elongated as often depicted in various mediums, and slightly darker in skin tone. His hair was also darker; parted in the center, fuller and cropped just above the shoulders. He was wearing a clean white, crisp tunic with long flowing sleeves; as to what the material was - I could not tell. His right shoulder supported a generous drape of darker, sightly heavier fabric that swept down His chest, wrapped around His waist, and most likely, continued up His back, where the end of the fabric would of been seamed to meet its beginning. The drape appeared to be purplish in color, or perhaps deep blue, which puzzled me since His image has often been depicted wearing accents of red fabric. But to be honest, this could of been an illusion since I was now focusing only on His face and everything else was being seen with my peripheral vision. 

While I peered into His comforting, medium-brown eyes, He remained still and composed; gazing directly into my eyes and holding them captive as if to attempt to communicate with me telepathically. As I remained still in total wonderment of God standing before me, I began to ask myself, "Why has Jesus appeared to me . . . what has He come to tell me?" Within moments of completing that thought, Jesus broke from His statuesque stance and began to walk towards me, all the while, never casting His eyes away from mine. I, on the other hand, fixated on His glance, lingered still - almost frozen in place. 

Once again, thoughts began to stir in my mind, "Why is He walking towards me . . . what does this all mean?" Jesus continued pacing toward me, and upon reaching His destination, He literally walked inside of me, fully enveloping me. It was as though a wave of safe, intensified energy swept through my very being, lifting me up high on my toes before bringing me down on my heels. I remained still and almost stunned by what had just happened. Once again my thoughts began to stir. "Jesus just stepped inside of me . . . this is all so hard to comprehend . . . what is He trying to tell me? With that thought, Jesus stepped out of me in a backward motion until He was now standing 3 feet away from my body, all along never taking His eyes off of mine. Now face to face, He stood staring at me once again, and like before, he walked flawlessly into my body, completely inhabiting me for a second time, but this time was different . . . this time He remained within me. 

On Sunday morning, July 8, 2012, a similar experience to that which happened on November 24, 2011 (Revealed in Part Three) happened to me again, and surprisingly enough, at the same church. This particular event was witnessed by Father Joseph Shenosky, a visiting priest, who informed me after Mass, that he too, could see me radiating, so much that it appeared as though I was glowing. Once again, I could not see or sense this energy myself. In time, I began to realize these two occurrences were not for my benefit, but for the benefit of those who needed validation of the truth to my God given identity and purpose. In addition, there have been two other occurrences where people have approached me, claiming that they too could see me radiating light.

In late August of 2012, I received an inspirational message telling me to touch a dead potted plant and command its roots to wake up and send energy throughout its many vines. Two days later the plant began to produce new leaves, with additional leaves forming each day from that point on. I was totally amazed and completely excited to witness what was unfolding before my eyes . . . another miracle from God. Like so many of these miracles or Divine Revelations, this one also happened for an important reason . . . to inform, to prepare, and to provide reassurance of God's plan for me.

Since August of 2012, I have continued to experience additional Divine Revelations, each one being incredibly amazing, and each one being of biblical proportion. Each Divine Revelation received, has revealed and confirmed God's ultimate existence, power and love, not only for me, but for each and every one of us. Each Divine Revelation experienced, has been designed and sent to teach me, prepare me, and strengthen me for my God given future . . . my future as, The New Prophet - God's heavenly ambassador. My assignment: To share His 12 Divine Messages with each member of the world, and to teach of the Blessed Mother's love, and most importantly, Her desire to also help God's children, for He has blest Her with this supreme gift and esteemed honor.

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