DIVINE REVELATIONS / Part Three of Four : Raymond's Blog


by Raymond Warren Bennett on 07/24/13

Since the Roman Catholic Church is the largest Christian Church with at least 1.2 billion worldwide members, with my religious status accounting for one of the populous, I thought this would be the perfect place to begin seeking theological support and guidance. Several weeks later, with the self appointed aid of my dear friend, Ed, I was introduced to a Catholic priest, who in turn, graciously agreed to privately speak with me and listen to my incredible story. My first meeting with Father Gregory Hamill, the Paster of The Church of the Sacred Heart, in Oxford, Pennsylvania, took place at the church rectory on September 17, 2011, at three in the afternoon and ended close to an hour and a half later. More meetings were scheduled after that, each one lasting anywhere from forty five minutes to a little over two hours long. A total of seven meetings between Father Hamill and I took place that season, seven highly productive sessions, where over time, I had the opportunity to share in depth, all my earlier divine experiences with this genuinely interested and open minded man.

On November 18th of the same year, Father Hamill extended an invitation, via email, offering me an opportunity to attend a Thanksgiving Day Mass celebration being held at his pastoral church. I accepted, and on the crisp Thursday morning of November 24th, I drove the familiar six mile trip to The Church of the Sacred Heart, parked my car, stepped out and proceeded to follow the path to a different door this time - to the door of God's house, not Father's. I don't know what the total occupant capacity is for that moderate size church, but with a cursory glance around its interior, I would venture to say the church was 1/2 full on that Thanksgiving Day morning - perhaps 100 people . . . give, or take a few. Towards the end of the service, Father announced that all parishioners were invited to gather afterwards in the Church Hall for complimentary donuts, cookies, juice, coffee or tea, and so, like many, I too, decided to accept his kind offer. 

Fifteen minutes later, Father Hamill appeared in the room, and upon locating me in the crowd, began his onward approach towards me, all the while exhibiting a subtle sense of joy. It was then I learned that I had been radiating a strong energy force all throughout the Mass that morning. Father went on to explain, that Mary Anne Fazio, a faithful Sacred Heart parishioner and the now former, Director of Religious Education for the Parish School, came running up to him just ten minutes earlier to explain this divine phenomenon she had witnessed. To Father's knowledge, Mary Anne was the only one who experienced the radiating characteristic of my being that day. Even I, was not aware of this energy force that had emanated outward from within me.

After Father properly introduced us, Mary Anne communicated that she and her husband were seated in church prior to me that day, for she took noticed of my later appearance. She testified to myself, her husband and to Father Hamill, that upon my arrival, my presence was called to her attention by the strong pulsating force of energy that was emanating from me. Mary Anne stated that this force continued all throughout mass and stopped when I exited the church. "Did you not see me or feel me starring at you throughout the Mass", she asked. "I was so intrigued by this mystifying occurrence that I could not take my eyes off of you.", she said. My experience on November 24, 2011 would prove to be another catalyst, this time providing me with additional spiritual strength and understanding, sent to guide me further along my journey's path, while preparing me for the acceptance of more Divine Revelations to come in the following months.

Side Note: After learning of my entire story, Mary Anne went on to become an advocate for my Heavenly cause. In May of 2012, she contacted two Christian Radio Talk Show hosts and strongly suggested for them to meet with me. On June the 16th of the following month, a three hour long interview took place which resulted in an invitation to guest speak on the Christian Radio Program, "As The Spirit Leads." To date, I have been invited to speak on-air a total of seven times, having the opportunity to tell of my story and the importance of the Divine Messages. It has often been said that God works in mysterious ways. I, certainly can not argue that. To this day, I remain most appreciative of Mary Anne's support.

Part Four of "Divine Revelations" will be posted for reading on August 7, 2013

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