In The Light Of Darkness : Raymond's Blog

In The Light Of Darkness

by Raymond Warren Bennett on 01/22/13

I recently had the privilege to be invited to speak on the radio again. December the 18th would mark my 4th opportunity in 2012 to share my divine experience with the listener's of station WTMR's "As The Spirit Leads". Since going public with my story on August 1, 2012, talk show host, Barbaranne Marion, whom I first met on June the16th of the same year, has been very gracious in helping me further my ardent efforts. Barbaranne is a kind soul, who for the past 38 years has been truly dedicated in serving the Lord and the Blessed Mother by providing an on-air Christian forum for invited guests to nationally share their religious beliefs and/or heavenly experiences with her devoted listeners. 

From the beginning, Barbaranne has often told me that when planning a show, she will always have a topic in mind, but rarely will have a planned outline to follow. Instead she prefers to follow as the spirit leads her - hence the name of her radio show, "As The Spirit Leads". My guest spot on December the 18th came four days after the horrific news of the Newtown, Connecticut manslaughter of 20 first graders and 6 adults whose lives were extinguished by an unconscionable act of pure evil. December 18th also fell just 54 days after Super Storm Sandy hit the United States' upper eastern shoreline creating a path of unimaginable devastation and the destruction of many family units, uprooting thousands of people and taking approximately 150 lives in its wake.

Sadly enough, the year 2012 brought many tragedies and sorrows to those living in the United States and around the world, both on a personal and national scale. Every heartache tends to weigh heavily on one's mind and soul, creating an invisible vacuum that can drain our spiritual energy, and in time can even undermine our emotional balance and weaken our faith. As the spirit would lead, with surprise to me, Barbaranne began her show that day talking about the above mentioned news stories and the heavy hearts being carried by all those closely affected. God certainly works in mysterious ways, for the program's planned topic was going to be "Joyous Christmas Memories". Through divine intervention, I was then presented with the opportunity to share the Lord's messages regarding the death/life experience, told to me by the Blessed Mother. A heavenly gift of words created to lighten the burden of heartache carried by all grieving loved ones located here and around the world, for death, natural or unnatural, will one day touch us all. 

The Fifth Message told to me by the Blessed Mother in 1962: "The spirit has memory. When a person dies, not only does their spirit live on, but their memory lives on too. Every good thing that one experienced in life will be able to be remembered in Heaven. Anything that caused physical or emotional pain will only be retained as a fact that it once happened or existed and will no longer be important. Memory will also serve as a comfort for those spirits coming to Heaven first before the arrival of their loved ones. Since the spirit has memory, the Lord also wants people to know that while they are on earth thinking of those they lost to death, the spirits of those same loved ones will have the ability to think of their friends and family too, and remember their past together." 

The Ninth Message told to me by the Blessed Mother in 1962: "I want to tell you of the mystery between life and death. When a person dies, a heavy burden of sadness is often carried by those left behind. For some, the loss can be overwhelming and life changing. This saddens me too. The good Lord understands this and desires for me to explain that communication between life and death can continue on, if one wishes. All you have to do is to talk to the spirit of your loved one passionately from the heart, softly out loud or in your thoughts, and an unseen energy will go out from you and find that particular spirit and pull it towards you. The spirit you are talking to will then be able to hear you. This form of communication will not be like that between human to human, however this knowledge and ability will give many people comfort."

In the Ninth Message, the Blessed Mother went on to say, "If people desire, they can privately continue to share their lives, thoughts and feelings with those whom have passed on. Since the spirit has memory, the spirit of loved ones will always have a strong connection with you, whether you try to communicate with them or not. Should one desire, it is okay to ask a spirit to give a personal sign that they have heard you. Answered signs will give people confirmation . . . confirmation that will help improve one's inner peace and help to lighten their burden of grief, therefore helping to improve their quality of life." All twelve of the Lord's messages told to me by the Blessed Mother can be found in "The Spiritual Knowledge" section of my Heavenly Comfort website."     

Though the ordinary man looks upon death with dread and sadness, those who have gone once before, such as myself, know it as a wondrous experience of blissful peace and comfort. One never truly dies, but moves on to start another life in a heavenly realm, and like all partings, those who are left behind must find a way to accept the change and move forward. During this process of loss, it is important to remember that death is never permanent nor is our earthly connection completely broken between life and death. One day we will all be reunited with our loved ones in Heaven where everyone will be able to pick up where they once left off with each other. For some, the waiting period will seem long, but joyously worth while in the end. I wish you understanding, a lighter heart, and most of all - - I wish you peace.

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